Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Wizard of ID - Deadbeat Nation

I don't want to live in a deadbeat nation. I want to be free to live my own life. I don't want to be a slave to big government. I don't want to pay for others mistakes - especially government's. I don't want to pay to keep democrats (or republicans) in power. I want the government to get the heck out of my life - they are only making things worse. We need the health insurance we have now, but we will lose it when Obamacare kicks in because our insurance company will not be able to compete with a government that can repeatedly raid the tax payer, print money, or borrow money from China or Japan whenever they need some more. Our government thinks they are too big to fail but they are wrong. When they do fail it will be with the democrats in power. It will be utter chaos while the democrats try to build things back up in their own way - but marxism-socialism has never worked anywhere it's been tried.

The question is - does our country need taxpayers? If nobody is working there will be no taxpayers. If their becomes no incentive to succeed - who would work to succeed? It's been said many times and its true - eventually socialist run out of other people's money - then what? Bankruptcy - that's what.

To read more about how Obama is making us a deadbeat nation, click here.

To read a letter from Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) to Barack Obama on this subject, click here.

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