Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Obama and 2016 - Ameritopia Interview

Obama and 2016 - Ameritopia Interview

Click here to watch this 5 minute video. It is Dinesh D'Souza at the CPAC 2012. He shows a movie trailer of a movie that's coming out this summer called Obama and 2016. It's a movie about what America will be like in 2016 if Barack Obama wins a second term in the 2012 elections. The movie hasn't come out yet, so I don't know the answer to this question - I can only speculate - it won't be good. It won't be an America many will know or like. I do have a post on my blogs of an interview by Rush Limbaugh of Dinesh D'Souza about his book Roots Of Obama's Rage, which I've read and I highly recommend reading it to you. Click here to read this interview.

Speaking of Rush Interviews, here's a recent interview by Rush Limbaugh of Mark Levin, the author of Liberty and Tyranny, which I've also read and Ameritopia, which I'm currently reading because I just received it. The interview is about Ameritopia and to read this interview, just click here.

So two excellent interviews and a video speech - you can learn things about Barack Obama that you probably didn't know.

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