Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Marco Rubio discusses Obama’s divisiveness

Marco Rubio discusses Obama’s divisiveness
By: John Hayward
8/7/2012 11:08 AM

The Romney campaign highlighted this exceptional performance from Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), discussing the divisiveness of the Obama re-election effort at a Romney campaign event. After discussing the merits of the two candidates, Rubio summed up the election as “a choice between a guy who has no idea what he’s doing, and a guy who does.”

Not to denigrate any of the other fine choices available to Mitt Romney for his running mate, but I’m a longtime booster for Rubio, and this clip offers a little taste of what he can do on the stump. One quibble: I think we can dispense with the ritual salutes to what a “nice guy” Barack Obama is… particularly if he declines the opportunity to repudiate Harry Reid’s crackpot slander efforts, and the new Priorities USA ad directly accusing Romney of responsibility for a woman’s death from cancer.

To watch Marco Rubio talk about the candidates:

To read another article by Marco Rubio, click here.

To read another article by John Hayward, click here.

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