The LGBT Agenda Isn't FAIR, and Summit Ministries Isn't Wrong
By AWR Hawkins
On July 12 California Governor Jerry Brown signed the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful (FAIR) Education Act (SB 48): a law which forces California schools to use textbooks and curriculum that acquaint public school students of all ages with the “historical contributions” of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) persons.
Ironically, the act is called “FAIR,” although there’s a stipulation in the law that parents can’t exempt their children from LGBT lessons in the classroom when the historical contributions of “men-who-want-to-be-women” is addressed.
Hmmm, doesn’t seem very fair to me.
In response, Summit Ministries and the Family Research Council (FRC) are pushing to have this act moved to a ballot initiative so that all Californians have a say in whether it becomes law rather than just a handful of disgustingly liberal politicians. As a result, both Summit and the FRC are being maligned as “anti-gay” and accused of using “misinformation and misdirection,” for seeking to give the people of California some say in this matter.
As a matter of fact, both Summit and the FRC are actually being portrayed as standing in the way of what leftists are calling “the LGBT civil rights movement.”
When will black people, and the children of black people, who really fought for civil rights in the 1950s stand up and tell today’s activists to quit hijacking the phrase “civil rights movement”?
By the way, where is the Rev. Jesse Jackson and why doesn’t he see this as an attack on the very movement he watched Martin Luther King Jr. lead in the 1960s? Why is he silent while a group solely defined by the type of sexuality they choose to practice perverts the cause for which MLK marched in Selma?
The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson sees this attempt for what it is and in no uncertain terms has said it is “offensive” because the civil rights movement was “not about sex.”
So let’s be clear about something folks: The LGBT movement is not fighting for civil rights but for special rights, just as homosexuals seeking the “right to marry” are not fighting for equal rights but for special rights. And allowing them to hijack the lexicon and co-op the civil rights movement is a travesty.
Moreover, the hate speech the left employs in trying to make their point is ridiculous.
That’s right: Homosexual activists are spewing hatred via disparaging and accusatory language toward Summit and the FRC simply because both organizations seek to protect children from exposure to sexual perversions.
For example, in an attempt to highlight and refute one of the supposed examples of “misinformation” put forth by the FRC, care2.com links to a FRC video which describes SB 48 as promoting the LGBT lifestyle. Care2.com then seeks to refute it by letting a self-proclaimed “gay man from California” say “SB 48 does not promote the LGBT lifestyle.”
A riveting rebuttal, to say the least, and one that misses its mark by country mile.
Of course SB 48 promotes the LGBT lifestyle. What else could be behind drawing such an exaggerated amount of attention to a group of people who literally represent an infinitesimally small percentage of our population? After all, only 1.4% of all citizens in the U.S. claim to be practicing homosexuals. And from that number you can deduce that the number of bisexual and transgendered individuals is much, much smaller. (Probably less than .09% of the total population, perhaps even less than .04%.)
Yet Summit and the FRC are supposed to sit quietly on their hands while a proportionately minuscule group of individuals impose a curriculum on young minds that violates mainstream religions, parental rights, and traditional sexual mores (not to mention, common sense)?
It still doesn’t seem very “fair” to me.
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