Sunday, April 10, 2011

California Teachers "Reaffirm" Support for Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

California Teachers "Reaffirm" Support for Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal
By Kyle Olson

I believe there is a difference between rank-and-file teachers and the leadership of radical teachers’ unions. The trouble is, the rank-and-file sits idly by as the radicals embarrass them, time and time again. Perhaps we’ve reached the point where the rank-and-file can rightfully be accused of being complicit of such behavior.

Why aren’t teachers angrily denouncing a recent resolution passed by the California Federation of Teachers in which the union "reaffirms support for death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal"?

The American Federation of Teachers, led by Randi Weingarten, has to date issued no statement in opposition to this offensive resolution.

And what does the AFL-CIO, the parent to the AFT think? More importantly, what do the police members of the AFL-CIO think? After all, Abu-Jamal was convicted of killing one of their own.

Or don’t they care?

At what point will the teachers’ unions be more concerned with the pitiful state of public education than they are about the fate of a convicted cop killer, or other unrelated issues like gay rights, national health care or American foreign policy?

Mumia Abu-Jamal, a hero of hardcore radical leftists – to some because he executed a police officer – does not deserve the honor and respect of teachers. It sends the wrong message to children. But the fact that the union would take the time to pass such a resolution shows the purpose of the union: to pass a radical agenda that has little if anything to do with education.

Dems' Cheap Stunt Blocks School Choice in Idaho
By Kyle Olson

If for no other reason, you have to admire the tenacity of some legislative leaders to look out for the interests of their teacher union sponsors.

The Idaho House of Representatives was debating a bill that would eliminate the cap on the number of charter schools allowed in the state when the minority leader, Democrat John Rusche, accused proponents of an ethical violation. Of what, you ask? They were reportedly wearing free yellow scarves with the National School Choice Week logo and this, in his mind, constituted a gift related to a bill being debated.

His complaint ultimately led to the tabling of the bill, which was originally expected to pass the Republican-majority House. With only days remaining in the legislative session, Rusche likely succeeded in killing the initiative.

What an incredibly cheap stunt to block the expansion of school choice for hundreds if not thousands of kids in Idaho.

Rusche has been endorsed and financially supported by the Idaho Education Association. Its parent, the National Education Association, is a leading critic of school choice and charter schools.

Perhaps if school choice proponents were throwing around thousand dollar campaign checks instead of free yellow scarves, they would have an easier time in the legislature. Maybe Rusche was insulted with the cheap scarf.

In a news account, Rusche was quoted as saying the scarves were "influencing" legislators’ votes. If that’s the case, that says more about the lack of principles held by legislators than the types of "gifts" being doled out.

Regardless, Rusche owes school choice advocates, and the children wishing to attend charter schools, an apology, and should make every effort to correct his stunt.

To read another article by Kyle Olsen, click here.

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