Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Rant against Democrats and the Mainstream Media

Another Rant against Democrats and the Mainstream Media
Brett Foley

It's hard to believe that after all of this time I still have to listen to people say idiotic things like 'I don't understand why anyone should be against Obamacare - why wouldn't they want everyone to have health insurance?' Even celebrities are spouting this ignorance - if they say it's so then it must be - I mean there are no idiot celebrities - right? They are either unwilling or incapable of looking into it any more deeper than this, or it is something more sinister and they are exactly aware of what's going on and saying such things to be misleading.

The issue is not about not wanting everyone to have health insurance. It's about not wanting our clearly partisan government to control our healthcare. It's way beyond their responsibilities and pay grade and they will make things worse just like they have for Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and everything else they currently control extremely poorly. Clearly there are much better ways to make healthcare more affordable for everyone, but they all involve giving a lot more control back to the private sector and for our government to just 'step off'. They will not because for them it's not about fixing our health care industry and bringing down costs, it's about control and power. It's about entrenchment for the Democrats. The Dems make their bills long and complicated hoping that nobody will examine them and then they use simple talking points to explain them inaccurately. How can those who actually pay attention (which is more and more people) trust people such as these, people who lie, people who view us as subjects and not even equals when they should be viewing us as their bosses. The Democrats do have a powerful tool, the mainstream media, who helps them with all of their misinformation by only reporting within a narrative that can only be described as 'the liberal viewpoint'. They are so ridiculously biased toward Obama and the Democrats that only a complete idiot would truly believe otherwise. The media are powerful, but they are rapidly losing whatever credibility they may have once had with more and more people.

Our government is supposed to represent it's people, not far less than half of its people. That is why many of them will be gone after the next election cycle.

Then there are those despicable people who think anyone who disagrees with Obama must be a racist. This includes many in the mainstream media. I have to think that most of these people aren't so stupid that they don't know the meaning of the word 'racist', so I instead conclude that most of these people are using it to be divisive, or as a lazy way to try to end a disagreement without coming up with a substantive counter argument. It doesn't work and it just makes them look more and more stupid. It's been going on now since before the 2008 elections and it's getting ridiculously old and tired.

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