Saturday, August 6, 2011

News Flash: Men and Women ARE Different

News Flash: Men and Women ARE Different
by Amanda Swysgood

Last semester, I had the horrible idea of taking a sociology class. I didn’t know it at the time, but sociology is typically the most left-wing department on most college campuses, and my school—the University of Missouri —is no exception.

Throughout the class I was miserable, but in order to maintain a good grade I attended extra-credit events assigned by the professor. As painful as it was to sit through this liberal indoctrination, many of the outings enlightened me to the latest tactic the radical Left is using to achieve “equality” on college campuses: eliminating gender.

The latest, and arguably most outrageous, plot by the Left is to eliminate people's need to identify themselves as either male or female. My professor explained to the class that gender was at one time biologically relevant, but is becoming less important. His goal was to convince us that biology is less important than societal influences. My professor claimed that by accepting our gender, we were accepting societal influence. This, he claimed, is responsible for forcing people to fall into gender roles such as motherhood and other types of “oppression.”

One of the many extra-credit events the professor assigned was a speech from a transgendered female. During this speech, he/she explained all the struggles he/she was facing in this “oppressive” American society. It’s no surprise the university decided to host a speaker like this, because my campus is not only supportive of the idea of gender neutrality, but is actively working to implement it. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) group on my campus has the biggest, nicest office of any organization. Faculty and students are forced to tolerate and accept lifestyles that they object to. There are already multiple unisex restrooms and co-ed dorms on my campus, and the women’s center is pushing for even more. I do not have a problem with my campus trying to be “diverse” or “tolerant.” The problem comes when the university is willing to pay any cost to be politically correct. Implementing co-ed dorms and unisex bathrooms is never healthy for students who are already going through significant life changes and making important decisions. Many campuses around the country are going back to single-sex dorms because co-ed dorms lead to more sexual promiscuity and binge drinking.

This issue of gender confusion is not unique to my campus. My friend Ashley attends a private Christian university in California, and she recalls the leader of her dormitory hall speaking about how separate male and female restrooms on campus make people uncomfortable. The dorm leader's argument—as is the argument of many liberals—was that male and female bathrooms force us to recognize our differences, thus creating a culture of inequality.

These ridiculous policies are being discussed and implemented in public schools all over the country. A high school in Michigan eliminated homecoming “kings” and “queens,” for fear of offending a transgendered student. At George Mason University, a man dressed in drag as a woman was elected homecoming queen. The school later eliminated the titles of “king” and “queen” and now uses the title “homecoming royalty” to avoid offending anyone who doesn’t identify as a male or female.

Universities implement all of these ridiculous policies and initiatives in the name of “equality,” but what liberal professors and students don’t seem to understand is that being different is not the same as being unequal. Men and women are different, but that does not make one better than the other. In fact, I believe our differences should be celebrated, not condemned.

In reality, people who are confused about their gender or sexual orientation are not victims of inequality. They are products of a sexually saturated society. As a student at an American public university, I am faced with the battle for our culture on a day-to-day basis. There are many challenges to college, but I never would have thought that this would be one of them.

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