Wednesday, November 7, 2012

To Continue, Or Not?

To Continue, Or Not?

I honestly don't know the answer yet. I hope that the discouragement that I feel at being on the losing end of another Presidential Election will subside over time. It's hard for me to blog today, and it was impossible yesterday. There is still going to be a lot of information out there, but will I be motivated to chase it and to learn from it, or do I just surrender and try to continue to just hang on with life, knowing that...

Our nation is doomed.

I'm powerless to do anything about it.

Our mainstream media is in control, and many people I know (including family) continue to be dupes to it all, and as a result continue to vote against their own self-interests.

There is no doubt whatsoever that our mainstream media were totally "in-the-bag" for Barack Obama, which isn't fair at all, but it's reality. So this election was between Romney-Ryan and Obama-Biden + the mainstream media. This is a difficult combination to defeat, but Romney-Ryan still only lost by 1 percentage point. Unfortunately close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades - we are still doomed.

Knowing that Nikita (Soviet Leader) was right when he told us the United States would destroy ourselves from within - it's happening!

Knowing that God is in control - and he seems to be warning me - The END is near - prepare yourself for salvation! Love your enemies even as they help to destroy the nation where you were born and live.

The main purpose of this blog was to document our government's failures (especially Obama's, his administration's, and other democrat's). Clearly so far it's hard to see this as anything but a failed effort on my part.

Obama proved that campaigning "mean" works. He also proved that the truth doesn't matter to most people (Bill Clinton proved this earlier). This is an indictment on our society, which is buying into moral relativism - a sure pathway to Hell.

We are about to be taxed to death. Our healthcare is going to go down the tubes. It will be difficult to hold onto our health insurance and even our employment. We are on our own now more than ever - can we hang in there?

Everybody has their hands out - can our government fill this void? Not even close.

We adopted 5 special needs children during much better financial times, with the understanding that we could meet their needs. Did we make a huge mistake in trusting ourselves for this to be so in the future? Do our children even have a future in this place?

We know that we need God's help - people will just let us down.

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