Meredith Jessup
In an April 2008 interview with Uprising Radio, Obama's Green Jobs Czar Van Jones compared the "green movement" to the civil rights fight for racial equality of the 1960s. This self-avowed communist has the ear of the President of the United States--he was personally appointed by Barack Obama!
He also went on to declare that the goal of the "green revolution" is "complete revolution" away from "gray capitalism."
In the words of Van Jones...
One of the things that has happened too often to progressives is that we don’t understand the relationship between minimum goals and maximum goals. Right after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, if the civil rights leaders had jumped out and said okay, now we want reparation for slavery, we want redistribution of all wealth, and we want to legalize mixed marriages, that — they come out with a maximum program the very next day, they would have been laughed at.
Instead they came out with a very minimum program. You know, we just want to integrate these buses. The students a few years later came out with a very minimum program: We just want to sit at the lunch counter. But, inside that minimum demand was a very radical kernel that eventually meant from 1964 to 1968 – you know – complete revolution was on the table for this country and I think that this green movement has to pursue those same steps and stages.
Right now, we’re saying we want to move from suicidal gray capitalism to some kind of eco-capitalism, we’re, you know, at least we’re not fast-tracking destruction of the whole planet. Will that be enough? No it won’t be enough.
We want to go beyond systems of exploitations and oppression all together. But that’s a process, and I think what’s great about the movement that is beginning to emerge is that the crisis is so severe in terms of joblessness, violence and now ecological threats, that people are willing to be both very pragmatic and very visionary. And – So the green economy will start off as a small subset and we are going to push it and push it and push it until it becomes the engine for transforming the whole society.
Complete revolution was on the table for this country, and I think that this green movement has to pursue those same steps and stages.
This is our Green Jobs Czar, appointed by our president. I can't wait to hear more about his plans in more detail. I would have more respect for Obama if he would just come right out and say "Yes, I'm a communist, whats wrong with that? Just because it didn't work before doesn't mean we can't make it work now," instead of all of his subterfuge and lying. I assume Obama thinks Communism works, just like he thinks our economy is doing well now and his boondoogles are working. Obviously he must mean they are working in his blatent attempt to destroy our whole system of government.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
More Van Jones Green Jobs Communist Craziness
Meredith Jessup
The White House Green Jobs Czar certainly has "unique" views on racial justice the environment. During the following interview in EON's "Deep Democracy Interview Series," Van Jones--who was then-serving as the founder/director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights--describes his idea for "Green Jobs, Not Jails," a program designed to bring together the environmentalist, "environmental justice," and criminal justice communities.
In the interview, Jones describes his "moral" plan as "taking money away from 'incarceraters' and the polluters," abandoning an "addiction to punishment" and money from prison lobbyists, and fighting against the "military petroleum complex" running this country to usher in a "new deal coalition for a new century."
We're apparently entering a "third wave of environmentalism in the United States." The first two "waves" Jones describes are Theodore Roosevelt's progressive efforts in conservation and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring from 1963--a book which the successfully argued for bans on DDT, a chemical (Jones calls it "poison") formerly used to fight mosquitos and the spread of diseases like Malaria.
Jones claims, "The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don't have a racial justice frame."
Jones says, "Left to itself this new third wave of environmentalism could become eco-apartheid--the ecological ‘haves’ could just get more and the ecological ‘have nots’ could just get less and less."
"Let's start taking money away from the incarerators and the polluters and giving money to the community-based people who are trying to bring forward new jobs, clean energy and stabilizing neighborhoods so we don't have to have crime and over-incarceration." (I'm really sure people commit crimes and go to jail because the economy is not green enough.)
Jones says we can have an "ecological U-turn" and it has to “have four wheels on it”--funds going to labor, because that’s where the good jobs are; to "progressive businesses," because they’re the ones who are innovative; to environmentalists; and to the “racial justice folks” who need new work and opportunities.
Jones says that "The 'Gulag economy'(corrections system)is overbuilt, and the 'green economy' is underbuilt. ... We want to get the prisoners and the prison guards out of there and put up solar panels and things that actually heal the community. We want to take the money that the incarcerators are spending hand-over-fist, on essentially enriching themselves, to actually help safe, healthy communities."
(For those not familiar, the "gulag economy" is actually another term that refers to forced slave labor camps of the former Soviet Union's penitentiary system, where incarcerated penal laborers worked to support the State's economy. Yeah... JUST LIKE America's prisons, minus the free cable tv.)
"We need environmentalism that is relevant to people of color."
In a City Journal article entitled "Green Hustler," author Max Shulz, a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute sums up Jones' work as a "professional community activist," saying: [Jones] has rocketed to fame by melding racial grievance and claims of economic injustice with the increasingly faddish orthodoxy of environmentalism. His glibness and comfort in front of a camera expose a sound-bite unseriousness, an inner-city hustle with a green patina.

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