by Brett Foley
I was talking with some liberal co-workers about this health care issue recently and I was asked "why shouldn't health care be available to everyone?" I replied that anyone in our country can get health insurance - even people who are poorer or elderly. Some people choose not to have insurance because they want to spend their money on other things. I know this because for years I was one of them. The issue clearly isn't availability so much as it is high costs. So to make changes they need to examine why the costs of health care are high and make adjustments accordingly, while not hurting the quality of health care currently available. Another question was "why shouldn't the government be allowed to compete with private health care insurance companies?" It's because nobody can compete with the government - it isn't fair because our government uses our tax dollars and they don't seem to care how high our national debt goes - which means they are constantly irresponsible with our money. Private industry can't print their own money legally like our government can. It's like private industry competing with China. Not only is this unfair, but it is very bad for health care when the government option becomes our only option. Obama (and his accomplices in his administration and the mainstream media) says this won't happen but they know that it will, and they won't do anything to prevent it from happening because that is what they want. Our government doesn't run any business or industry well - we all know this to be true. They do everything inefficiently and power corrupts - so we have the occasional fraud and cronyism. Bad behavior isn't punished and mistakes are papered over with more money while the mismanagement grows. When they eventually crash the government bails themselves out with our tax dollars, while our debt grows. In the free market bad behavior is eventually punished by failure, then when one company fails another usually steps in. Success has its rewards so it is encouraged. Nobody can name one government controlled business that isn't a disaster. This is why they have to rush things through so they can attempt to pull the wool over our eyes yet again - but too many people can see through their motives.
Another subject was how expensive our current health care is - why is it so expensive? There are several reasons - medicare (government) not paying fair market value for patient services and care(which is what will happen even more widespread with total government health care). Also as the economy gets worse there is more indigent care required, which is basically free services. Then there's tort reform - the fact that Democrats refuse to put caps on medical malpractice judgements and awards - so doctors must continue to pay outrageous costs for their medical malpractice insurance, which they must have to practice. Doctors must pass these costs along to the patients if they wish to make a profit. Obama told the AMA yesterday that tort reform would not be an option (he has to keep his fellow trial lawyers happy and well-fed because he owes them, and will need their votes again).
Also I must mention here that illegal aliens need to be deported back to the countries they came from and if they want to come here legally they need to go through the proper channels and jump through the necessary hoops and do it legally - otherwise we shouldn't want them here. They also need to learn English if they come here, otherwise they obviously have no interest in assimilating into our culture. If they are unwilling to do this then they have no business being here. If I moved to another country such as Japan, Mexico, or South Korea (for examples) I would fully expect to have to learn their language so I could better assimilate into their culture. I would not expect them to bend to me. The fact that Democrats want to(and do so in some states like California)give health care benefits to illegal aliens in our country, and for that matter allow them to vote in our elections, is complete bullcrap! It's just another of the countless examples of how they will do anything to stay in power. This is how they attempt to circumvent our democratic process - give away benefits and tax dollars to people for their allegience (and votes), which will help to keep them in power. To heck with the economy, and our children's future. When Obama said he was going to spread the wealth around, he wasn't just kidding. You rarely hear about any of this in the media because they are mostly complicit, which is why they are quickly losing whatever credibility they had to most of us who are actually paying attention to what's going on.
People need to search for the truth instead of just accepting what our current administration is feeding them through the only media they allow around them (compliant media only, or let's just call them what they are - brown-nosing cheerleaders). Then we can proceed to fire our idiot president, his thuggish cabinet, and the lockstepping Democrats in our legislative branch.
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